Chances are that you are reading this because you are stressed out about an event that you have to organize in the nearby future. Organizing an event on short notice can be quite a task as the planning of an event takes a few months to organize on average. But it can happen that you have a last minute business event to run such as a product launch, an opening of new headquarters or simply forgot about the event. Here at Eventic, we have experience with these last minute situations. To calm you down, we decided to write about some steps we can both take to organize an unforgettable event on short notice.

Tip 1 – Focus on the core
A creative invitation is great, and we are all for that perfect table setting, but we like to start wit the core. We usually start with basics such as the date, the amount of guests that are expected, the budget and the timeframe. We then move on to your catering needs and finish with your potential AV needs. By doing so, we have the basics covered. As Eventic focuses on creativity in the corporate industry, we are then adding the finishing touches such as entertainment, decoration and flowers. By sticking to this plan we make sure not to waste any time.

Tip 2 – Define your target audience
It is very important to target the right audience. The amount of energy and money spent on organizing this last minute event will be spilt if the audience is not matched to your strategic goals or the reason you are actually organizing this event. To do so, please have a look at the reason why you are organizing this event. Who could be invited to push these goals to the limit? Do you know any additional people outside the normal guest list who could be interesting? At Eventic, we firmly believe at the alignment of your goals with the event and we are therefore happy to help you out here.

Tip 3 – Invite guests through your social channels
So, you or your company decided to organize an event for employees or clients of the company but you are kind of in a rush? In these situations, it can be very helpful for the attendees to help remind them about this event. It would be a shame if we were all working so hard for everyone to forget about it. So keep up your social media! Post Instagram stories, or even Facebook process pictures of the event.

Tip 4 – Enjoy your event day
This last tip is very important as our clients are tended to forget to enjoy the event. Events are a great opportunity to socialize and occasionally to let your hair down a bit. Our work is to manage your event. Even though we might not have a lot of preparation time, this doesn’t mean we are not prepared. We therefore highly advise to relax and to enjoy your event.
So, keep calm, don’t stress and don’t pull out your hair. You and your event will be absolutely fine if you follow these steps. If you work with Eventic, try to trust our professionalism and your event will be the unforgettable event your guests will still be talking about in years. We hoped we have calmed you down by writing about organizing an event on short notice.
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